
Online Status

Server IP address resolved: No
Http response code: None
Last Checked: 06/02/2024

12315.cn traffic volume is 16,749 unique daily visitors and their 83,744 pageviews. The web value rate of 12315.cn is 125,832 USD. Each visitor makes around 5.35 page views on average.

12315.cn registered under .CN top-level domain. Check other websites in .CN zone.

The last verification results, performed on (June 02, 2024) 12315.cn show that 12315.cn has an invalid SSL certificate. Click “Refresh” button for SSL Information at the Safety Information section.

In accordance with Google Safe Browsing and Google Safe Search 12315.cn is pretty a safe domain.

Relying Google MobileFriendly test 12315.cn is not well optimized for mobiles and tablets. Designing your sites to be mobile friendly ensures that all of your web pages perform well on all devices, also website page loading time may be improved.

Last Updated: 06/02/2024
Unknown status.
We gather website safety and reputation data and compare it with available third-party sources so we calculate own safety and trustworthiness rate based on information that we get.
Norton Connect Safe
Last Updated: 06/02/2024
Unknown status.
Norton ConnectSafe evaluates 12315.cn for any unsafe and insecure content. The results are critical for families with young children.
Google Safe Search
Last Updated: 07/17/2017
12315.cn is safe.
SafeSearch is used as a parental control tool to filter out any inappropriate for your children search results on your devices: phones, tablets or personal computers.
Google Safe Browsing
Last Updated: 01/09/2019
12315.cn is safe.
Malware: not found.
Phishing: not detected.
Unwanted software: not found.
Harmfull applications: not found.
Google Safe Browsing notifies when websites are compromised by malicious actors. These protections work across Google products and provide a safer online experience.
Site Advisor
Last Updated: 07/23/2017
12315.cn is safe.
McAfee assesses 12315.cn for a meaningful set of security threats. Featured dangers from annoying pop-ups to hidden Trojans, that can steal your identity, will be revealed. McAfee does not analyze 12315.cn for mature or inappropriate content, only security checks are evaluated.
Web of Trust
Last Updated: 06/02/2024
12315.cn child safety is unknown.
The WOT calculates reputation of the 12315.cn. This reputation system receives ratings from users and information from third-party sources, assesses the 12315.cn for safety features and confirms, whether 12315.cn is suitable for children.

SSL Information
Issuer OrganizationUnknown
Valid formUnknown
SignedNo information
Additional Domains
Server Location

ASN Information

ASN Title:

Last Update: 06/02/2024


Domain Name: 12315.cn
ROID: 20030310s10001s00012740-cn
Domain Status: serverDeleteProhibited
Domain Status: serverUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: serverTransferProhibited
Registrant: 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局
Registrant Contact Email: 12315@saic.gov.cn
Sponsoring Registrar: 北京新网数码信息技术有限公司
Name Server: ns11.xincache.com
Name Server: ns12.xincache.com
Registration Time: 2003-03-10 18:50:21
Expiration Time: 2024-02-29 16:00:01
DNSSEC: unsigned

DNS Records
HostA RecordTTL
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HostNS RecordTTL
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